Bait is a full-service agency runned by experienced strategists. Always at the forefront of trends, and with the aim of delivering top quality at particularly good prices – through efficient routines and low production costs.
Welcome to Bait advertising agency!
In difficult economic times like these, it is important that every penny results in eager customers. Bait creates all types of marketing, but also offers good advice on which tools and platforms best reach your customer group.
Bait advertising agency is based on two ideas; We offer services of international quality at prices most people can afford, and build all services on central UX principles to increase efficiency, hit the right target groups and ensure maximum value for every penny.
What do our clients say?
More about us
Who are we?
Bait is a full-service agency with a large international network of artists – each specialized in their own area.
The company is newly started, but by successful artists with close to 30 years within the industry and broad experience in all areas of marketing, graphic design, web design, branding, IT, photography, UX and UI.
Why choose us?
Baits AD has trained several of our current competitors and, like the company’s network of artists, has produced all forms of marketing for heavy customers at home and abroad.
Our broad experience in both relevant and related subjects creates a holistic analysis of your needs.